'Jazz Mag'
What do you mean 'late'?! How dare you, I've never been so insulted ... well okay, maybe a *little* late but what's 11 hours between friends?
Anyhoo this week on Illustration Friday the topic 'Jazz' had people divided again. Some people lurrrrved the topic and others loathed it. I have to say that my heart sunk when I saw the word Jazz and my first thought was that I'd have a break this week and concentrate on my EDM challenges but I was in two minds about it because it's only my 2nd week after all and I'd feel a bit of a wuss if I didn't have a go. This idea of the magazine cover was the first thing that sprang to mind because of the *bad* jazz (i.e. improvisational, I'll keep playing until you all leave or I die) that sounds like musical masterbation i.e. something best kept in the bedroom and done for your own pleasure, not done on a spotlit stage and inflicted on law abiding concert goers who *just wanted a nice night out for the love of lindor*. I was also inspired by this definition I googled up: 'empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk; "don't give me any of that jazz" [syn: wind, idle words, nothingness]' - If I get round to doing the piece of art that definition conjoured up in my head I'll post it here.
I used paintshop pro which is a darkly mysterious beast that has until now eluded my efforts to tame it ... it's still not fully housebroken yet but I'll persevere a little longer before I drive out to some distant wilderness one night and abandon it.
I bravely typed "jazz mag" in google and then clicked on the images link and found a fantastic illustrated magazine cover which you can see with your very own ideas by clicking on this link it reminded me of some of the jazz illustrations posted this week and is very groovy indeed.
Of course the only thing worse than *bad* jazz is *bad* jazz with jazz singing over the top ... hell, why sing one syllable when you could sing ten? ... "m-y f-u-u-u-ny-ee vale-en-t-ine-e"
1 comment:
Couldn't agree with you more about Jazz. My other pet peeve is drum solos.
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