Monday, March 07, 2005

Everyday Matters - Week 5 Challenge - Bed

Click on the picture below to avoid eyestrain ...

'And So to Bed'

I thought that I would have to tidy up before I could do this challenge but then I realised that I'd probably never get round to it so there you are, our messy bed with my heap of clothes on one corner of it. Imagine what delights you could be in for as the weeks continue ... our bath complete with tide mark, our kitchen floor with unswept crumbs and some dried-on catfood ... oh you lucky people!
Our bedroom actually isn't too bad at the moment (it's all relative!) but I am genetically untidy (and at the same time freakishly aware of the location of all our belongings which is handy)so it's an ongoing battle to maintain a clear pathway to the bed and avoid ankle injuries in the night.
Being unemployed has meant that some new bedroom rules have developed to keep me from driving my husband mad (he works from home you see): First off, no-one stays in bed later than Mark on a weekday (i.e. no later than 8.55am) - unless they are genuinely ill and have a note from their legal guardian; Secondly, daytime naps are frowned on; Thirdly, pyjamas are not suitable attire to be wearing past 9am ... I know it's like some kind of hellish dictatorship.
When I first scanned and posted this picture it looked very wishy-washy and airy-fairy so I was going to rescan it ... then I realised the issue was with a lack of definition in the original sketch because I used my beloved quilter's pencil which is very light and silvery so ... (and I can hardly believe I really did this) ... I retraced *every single darned line* and it's scanned much better this time (take my word for it) although I lost a bit of colour this time ... no I don't think I'll be going over the colour and reposting it thanks very much ;-)


Julie Durocher said...

I love the detail and the descriptions. I only wish your drawing was a little easier to see...perhaps you could rescan it like you said.

Maggie said...

I see you're one of the Messy Bed Brigade! ;-) Me too. Not sure when I'll get around to drawing my bed, maybe later today.

u l a n said...

Hooray for messy beds!!! It looks so homey! =) cool sketch!